Wednesday, July 20, 2011

What Has America Become?

Shared with my Cousin in Arizona, I think this letter to the Editor sums it up quite well:

Has America become the land of the special interest and home of the double standard?

If we lie to Congress, it's a felony, but if the Congress lies to us, it's just politics; if a white person dislike a black person, they are racist, but if that black person dislikes a white person, it's their first amendment right to do so.  Our federal and state governments spend millions if not billions to rehabilitate criminals yet they do almost nothing for the victims.  In public schools you can teach that homosexuality is OK, but will likely be fired if you use the word G-d in the process!

It is alright to kill an unborn child, but it's wrong to many that we kill mass murderers.  It's no longer necessary to burn books we don't agree with, we re-write them and then force them on our school children, in much the same way we got rid of Communists and Socialists by simply re-naming them "Progressives"!

We allow the burning of the American Flag or an effigy of George Bush because it is a citizens first amendment right, but if we protest against President Obama, we are a terrorist or worse, a racist.  And why is it we can protect the nation of South Korea from the hordes of hungry North Koreans across the 38th parallel, but we can't keep out the millions of Mexican's and others that pour across our southern border.

It's OK to use a human fetus for medical research, but heaven forbid we use a rabbit or a rat, and while it's acceptable to share or sell porn on the internet or T.V., you are forbidden from putting a menorah or nativity scene in a public park in December!

Ritalin and video games have replaced parenting, we take money from those who work hard and give it to those who don't want to work because it's "fair", and it's commendable to support the Constitution, as long at it doesn't get in the way of someone else's ideology.

It's true that there have been times as this nation has grown that freedom and equality was slow to take root for many that shared this land, and I'm not just talking about African slavery.  The Irish escaping the famine, The Chinese migrants who help to build our railroads, the Jews and Italian's of the lower east side ghetto's of New York, and the Vietnamese and Haitian immigrants of the 1970's and 80's all can lay claim to their own scars of discrimination and inequality.  Through those times, our nation learned from it's mistakes and our children are now the beneficiaries of those lessons, but what are we as America teaching our children today?  What lessons will our current crop of youth take away from what the collapse of morality has done to the country they will inherit.

If I had the answers, I'd probably have a lot more follower!  What do you think?


1 comment:

  1. Perfectly written. You actually brought tears to my eyes. It is so very sad what this world has become. I thank God every single day that I only gave birth to one child, bad enough she has to grow up in this world. I feel sorry for all the young couples marrying these days. Bringing another life into this world would not be an option for me if I were in their shoes. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I think you speak for a lot of others as well. Looking forward to your next blog.
